No One Deserves a Serve

Today the NRA will join the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) at the SDA’s second National Customer Abuse & Violence Industry Roundtable.

Major employers, industry peak bodies, NGOs and government organisations will join the Roundtable to discuss how Australia can stop this widespread abuse on retail and fast food workers.

A panel of retail and fast food workers will also have the opportunity to speak about their experiences at the Roundtable.

NRA CEO Dominique Lamb said the NRA supports any effort to tackle abuse of retail workers.

“Any abuse whether verbal or physical towards retail or fast food workers is simply unacceptable,” Mrs Lamb said.

“People working in retail are just doing their job and shouldn’t be abused for something that is out of their control.

“The NRA are proud to support the SDA’s ‘No One Deserves to be Served’ campaign and stand with them when they ask all employees and stakeholders to commit to a zero-tolerance approach to customer abuse and violence.”

The SDA hosted their first roundtable in March 2018 where significant progress was made towards raising awareness and reducing customer abuse.

Their campaign ‘Don’t Bag Retail Staff’ was also launched during their first roundtable.

“I believe today’s roundtable will be just as successful as last years, if not more, and will assist in tackling this epidemic,” Mrs Lamb said.