Further to our recent updates, Monday morning, the National Retail Association were pleased to provide evidence to the Federal Standing Committee on Health, Aged Care and Sport’s Inquiry into Diabetes in Australia.

Dr Alan Barclay and David Stout provided evidence on behalf of the National Retail Association’s Health and Nutrition Committee, and provided insights on preventative measures, how the retail and Quick Service Restaurant sectors can work with government, industry, and consumers to drive proactive health policies and positive health outcomes for Australians.

This continues with our active engagement with the Federal Department of Health and State and Federal Ministers. Our submission will form part of our 2024/25 Federal Budget submission.

A full transcript will be available shortly. You can also listen to the hearing by accessing the link here.

The National Retail Associations will continue to work with industry and government on this critical health policy. A sincere thank you to Dr Alan Barclay for advocating on behalf of the Health and Nutrition Committee.