Plastic Bottles and Cans Recycling Small | NRA

With the end of the two-year Return and Earn transition period looming, the National Retail Association encourages businesses to ensure they’re on track to make any necessary changes to eligible cans, labels and barcodes by 1 December 2019. Under the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery (Container Deposit Scheme) Regulation 2017, all eligible containers supplied in NSW must be labelled with the refund mark and contain the words “10c refund at collection depots/points in participating State/Territory of Purchase” in clear and legible characters. Eligible containers must also comply with the barcode requirement and not use a prohibited ring-pull lid.

Recently, Exchange for Change provided critical pricing information for true up calculations for May 2019. True up calculations adjust for the difference between the forecasted and actual container collections by the Network Operator and for historical changes in market share for previous months.

To find your own company’s true up, replace the forecast and actual supplier volumes from Exchange for Change with your own figures and calculate the difference. When calculating, please note that the actual figures are subject to change once more suppliers adjust their volumes via the reporting portal, if new suppliers join the Scheme or if an error is identified.

Click here to access additional key information about retailer obligations under the NSW CDS and here for supplier obligations.