Dom Bw Landscape | NRA

It is hard to believe that we are nearly one third of the way through 2017 and it has proven to be a busy year so far for retail.

At the NRA we understand that you’re under enough stress with the day-to-day running of your business which is why we are here to provide expert advice and to advocate to government on your behalf.

As many of you are no doubt aware, last week the Prime Minister announced changes to the way 457 visas will now operate for foreign workers. I’m pleased to announce that in this edition of National Retail Review we have provided a detailed article from Migration Agent Ian Parker where he outlines what the changes mean for people who employ anyone on a 457 visa. As always, if you are still uncertain on any of these changes feel free to contact us for assistance.

I want to also again take this opportunity to remind any of you impacted by the recent catastrophic weather in regional Queensland and Northern New South Wales that we are here to assist. Our team at the NRA can provide expert advice on any insurance queries you may have relating to any damaged property to ensure that you are adequately compensated. Moreover, we can also help you determine whether or not you are eligible for any state government disaster assistance.

Finally, I recently appeared before a senate inquiry into the vulnerable workers’ bill. As I have mentioned previously, the NRA has genuine reservations as to some of the negative side effects this legislation will have for the franchising industry. We will continue to put the case forward and the NRA hopes to work constructively with the federal government on this matter.

Have a great week!

Dominique Lamb