
Blue Dog Farm 2261 Mount Mee Road Ocean View, QLD 4521


Thursday 18th May 2023
3:00pm - 5:30pm
  Register for free

Business owners are facing many challenges running a small business, looking after the health of you and your business has never been more important.

Toes in the Grass want you to make the time to find out about what support is available to benefit you and your business.

You will hear from government representatives, Mentoring for Growth mentors, and Small Business Wellness Coaches who will share how you can benefit from a range of small business programs. You will also have the opportunity to network with presenters and attendees, have real conversations, and gain real benefits for you and your small business.

This event is hosted by the Department of Employment, Small Business, and Training as a part of Queensland Small Business Month.

For more information about the event, reach out to the Department of Employment, Small Business, and Training at DDSWdesbt@desbt.qld.gov.au or our NRA’s Industry Workforce Advisor Victoria Hansen via the link here.