Brisbane City

The Property Council of Australia and Brisbane City Council (BCC) are seeking your help to ensure Fridays in the city are a day not to be missed.

As anyone who has recently been in the city during the working week would know, there are now less people around on Fridays than on other days of the week. We no longer have international students or tourists frequenting our malls and cultural institutions, and Brisbane’s office occupancy has stagnated at ~60%. All up, this means less people in our shops, cafés, restaurants, offices and universities – which means less money circulating in our economy and less time spent collaborating and growing our businesses.

To address this challenge, the Property Council has teamed up with Brisbane City Council to deliver ‘Fridays in the City’ a six-week program of activity to attract workers back into the city on Fridays (running from 21 May until 25 June).

BCC (and BEDA) will curate a program of free activities in public spaces at various times throughout the day and night, and building owners and managers have already started planning activities to engage their customers.

The campaign will be promoted through a dedicated website that is anticipated to go live week commencing 10 May 2021.

We are calling out to all businesses who would like to participate in this event to deliver free activities throughout the campaign to assist in the revitalisation of Brisbane City on Fridays. There will also be a launch event at the Sofitel Hotel at lunchtime on 21 May, where campaign partners will be profiling some of the activities taking place over the six week campaign, for those that are interested in finding out more.

For more information or to express your interest in supporting this campaign, please contact Bryn Moffat of Property Council of Australia at