Small Business Ombudsman

The National Retail Association has welcomed the appointment of former Small Business Minister Bruce Billson as the new Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman. Small Business Ombudsman

NRA CEO Dominique Lamb said the association looks forward to working with Mr Billson and acknowledged the work of outgoing Ombudsman Kate Carnell.

“As the voice of modern retail, the NRA represents thousands of small retailers across the country. The survival of many of these businesses will be crucial to obtaining a strong economic recovery following COVID and we look forward to working with Mr Billson on this,” Ms Lamb said.

“It is a challenging time for small business, following the COVID recession and with assistance measures such as JobKeeper set to end in a matter of weeks.

“It is important that our members have an Ombudsman who understands their concerns and the NRA is confident we have that given Mr Billson’s background in terms of portfolios he’s held and as a former small business owner himself.

“The NRA would also like to acknowledge the work of outgoing Ombudsman, Ms Kate Carnell AO, and wish her the best in future endeavours.”